
L’Etica è Donna – Sitografia e Bibliografia


Sitografia e Bibliografia complete del nuovo libro di Nicoletta Iacobacci, suddivise per capitoli


  1. Il GPT3 è un generatore di linguaggio che riesce in autonomia a produrre testi simili a quelli umani


  1. Peter Diamandis
  2. MEDIA2000: Renzi alla Singularity, noi prima
  3. AutoML, semplifica il processo di applicazione del Machine Learning ai problemi del mondo reale
  4. Forbes: Elon Musk Is ‘Distracting Us’ From Real Tech Issues, AI Figures Warn
  5. Open AI: OpenAI Licenses GPT-3 Technology to Microsoft.
  6. MIT Technology Review: college kid’s fake, AI-generated blog fooled tens of thousands. This is how he made it
  7. A Proposal for Dartmouth Summer Research Project on artificial Intelligence
  8. Women in Science: Time to recognise the obvious
  9. The Conversation: Hidden women of history: Enheduanna, princess, priestess and the world’s first known author
  10. Life Science: An Ancient Egyptian Physician Cited As the ‘First Woman Doctor’ Likely Never Existed
  11. Maria Curie, Due Nobel per la Fisica, per la Chimica; Goeppert-Mayer, Nobel per la Fisica, Rita Levi-Montalcini, per la Medicina; Rosalyn Sussman, Yalow e Barbara McClintock e Linda Buck per Fisiologia e Medicina.
  12. The Guardian: Physics was built by men: Cern suspends scientist over remarks
  13. World Economic Forum: Global Gender Gap Report 2020
  14. Medium: Ada Lovelace: engines, poetry, and the power of imagination



  1. Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume I. Archaic Greece: The Mind of Athens, p.39
  2. Platone, Repubblica 607b5–6
  3. Pierre Vidal-Naquet, «Esclave et gynécocratie dans la tradition, le mythe, l’utopie», dans Le Chasseur noir, éditions de la Découverte, 2005 (1re édition 1981), pag.269
  4. Odissea, Libro 1
  5. Samuel Butler: The Authoress of the Odyssey
  6. Samuel Butler: Victorian Atheist and Controversialist
  7. Lisa Watrous: Language and Love in an Age of Terror.
  8. Platone, Repubblica: III,8 395d-e
  9. Aristotele, De generatione et corruptione 2,3, riportato da San Tommaso nella prima parte della Somma teologica, alle questioni 92 e 99
  10. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Émile ou De l’éducation
  11. Contro le Donne, Paolo Ercolani / Bacon, Essays, 8: Works, v. XII, pp. 101 e 103.
  12. Judith Norman: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols, and Other Writings


  1. Marija Gimbutas, Evolution of Old Europe and Its Indo-Europeanization: The Prehistory ofEast Central Europe.
  2. The Mystica: Adam and Lilith – The story and relationship in the bible.
  3. Joseph S Hopkins: Great Goddess Theory in Ancient Germanic Studies
  4. Britannica: Sir Arthur Evans
  5. The permanent exhibition of the Heraklion Archaeological Museum: Fresco of “La Parisienne”.
  6. Dr. Senta German, “Snake Goddess,” in Smarthistory
  7. The Origins of Western Civilization: Sir Arthur Evans
  8. The New Republic: The Archaeologist as Minotaur.
  9. Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker (27 May 2012). Nude Woman (Venus of Willendorf), c. 28,000-25,000 B.C.E.
  10. Upper Paleolithic Portable Female Imagery: the Masculine Gaze, the Archaeological Gaze and the Tenets of the Archaeological Discipline, paper by Jennifer Kirkness
  11. New Scientist: Code hidden in Stone Age art may be the root of human


  1. Smithsonian Magazine: The Amazon Women: Is There Any Truth Behind the Myth?
  2. National Geographic: Amazon Warriors Did Indeed Fight and Die Like Men
  3. NPR: Remains Of Ancient Female Fighters Discovered
  4. Eva Cantarella – Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali. Treccani: Matriarcato
  5. Frederick Engels: Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State. Preface Fourth Edition, 1891
  6. Los Angeles Times: The Goddess Theory: Controversial UCLA Archeologist Marija Gimbutas Argues That The World Was At Peace When God Was A Woman
  7. Il termine deriva dal russo kurgan (курга́н), che significa tumulo o tumulo funerario
  8. Proto Indo European: The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem: Studies in Honor of Marija Gimbutas (Journal of Indo-European Studies)
  9. New Scientist: Story of most murderous people of all time revealed in ancient DNA
  10. Scientific American: New Evidence Fuels Debate over the Origin of Modern Languages
  11. Cynthia Eller: The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why An Invented Past Will Not Give Women a Future
  12. La matrifocalità o matricentrica è la struttura familiare che è incentrata sulla madre e i suoi figli, in una tale famiglia il padre ha un ruolo minimo da giocare nella famiglia e quasi nessuna partecipazione nell’educazione dei figli. È importante notare che l’attenzione centrale non è quella della “donna” ma il ruolo della donna come madre
  13. Washington Post: Why the patriarchy is killing men
  14. Gerda Lerner: The Creation of Patriarchy. Oxford University Press
  15. Genesi 3:16.
  16. Efesini 5:23


  1. ThoughtCo: Carly Silver. Kubaba, A Queen Among Kings
  2. Harvey, A. (1955). The Classification of Greek Lyric Poetry. The Classical Quarterly, 5(3/4), 157-175
  3. The Poetry Foundation: Sappho
  4. Antonio Cipollini: Saffo
  5. Nicoletta Iacobacci: Exponential Ethics
  6. History extra: 6 Women in science history you (probably) didn’t know about
  7. Mary Astell, A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest by a Lover of Her Sex
  8. Hypatia of Alexandria: Her Context and Legacy
  9. Silvia Ronchey: Perché Cirillo assassinò Ipazia?
  10. Hypatia of Alexandria: Her Context and Legacy
  11. Silvia Ronchey: Perché Cirillo assassinò Ipazia?
  12. National Geographic: Ipazia, la filosofa alessandrina
  13. Haaretz: Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live: A Murderous Mistranslation?
  14. Malleus Maleficarum: The Hammer of Witches.
  15. Tracy Borman, Witches: A Tale of Sorcery, Scandal and Seduction p.60 Jonathan cape, 2013
  16. Studioso tedesco del XVIII secolo, autore di “Storia dell’Abbazia di Quedlinburg”
  17. Statista: The Death Toll Of Europe’s Witch Trials.
  18. The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian Text, Samuel Hazzard Cross and Olgerd P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor, trans and ed. (Cambridge, Mass.: The Medieval Academy of America, 1973), p. 153.
  19. Museum of Icelandic Witchcraft and Sorcery
  20. SwissInfo: “Last witch” to be declared innocent
  21. UN News: UN rights chief warns of potential ‘witch-hunt’ as Tanzanian official plans to track and arrest LGBT people.


  1. SoftRobotics: Pepper.
  2. L’azienda giapponese SoftBank, ha confermato alla BBC che la produzione è stata “messa in pausa per un po’” e ricominceranno con la produzione “quando sarà necessario”.
  3. Hanson ha lavorato come artista, e per la Disney ha lavorato come scultore e ricercatore di materiali nell’Imagineering Lab. Ha lavorato come designer, scultore e sviluppatore di robotica per gli Universal Studios e MTV.
  4. IEEE Spectrum: The Uncanny Valley: The Original Essay by Masahiro Mori.
  5. Reuters: Makers of Sophia the robot plan mass rollout amid pandemic.
  6. Stanford Edu: Chatbots & Dialogue Systems.



  1. New York Times: One False Note in a Musician’s Life; Billy Tipton Is Remembered With Love, Even by Those Who Were Deceived.
  2. Diane Middlebrook, Suits Me: The Double Life of Billy Tipton.
  3. Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha, Citazione
  4. Library of Congress: Women Who Dressed as Men and Made History.
  5. Jeanne d’Arc: Procès de condamnation.
  6. BBC Culture: Why do women write under men’s names?
  7. BBC Two: The ascent of a Woman.
  8. Il codice di Hammurabi (traduzione inglese della wright state University).
  9. Elisabeth Meier Tetlow: Women, Crime and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society: Volume 1: The Ancient Near East.
  10. Patrick O’Sullivan: ‘Cyclops’ in A Companion to Euripides.
  11. National Geographic: This 19th-century London dandy caused a style revolution.
  12. Enciclopedia Britannica: Discover five strange reasons why women were not allowed to vote.
  13. Human Rights Campaign.
  14. The European Graduate School: Judith Butler.
  15. The Embryo Project Encyclopedia. David Reimer and John Money Gender Reassignment Controversy: The John/Joan Case.
  16. Slate: Gender Gap. What were the real reasons behind David Reimer’s suicide?
  17. BBC News: Texas parents battle in court for custody of transgender child.
  18. Simone de Bouvoir, Il Secondo Sesso
  19. Self-Made Man: Il mio anno travestito da uomo.
  20. Ibid.
  21. ABC 20/20: JuJu Chang intervista Nora Vincent.
  22. Magic Leap ha creato Mica, una sofisticata assistente virtuale potenziata dall’intelligenza artificiale che ha fattezze umane che presenta “espressioni, aspetto e comportamento realistici in tempo reale”
  23. Gli umani digitali possono vedere e ascoltare gli utenti per capire il significato oltre alla semplice parola. Usano il proprio tono di voce e il linguaggio del corpo per creare conversazioni umane realistiche.


  1. European Spine Journal: The Edwin Smith papyrus: A clinical reappraisal of the oldest known document on spinal injuries.
  2. Si ritiene che sia stato l’architetto della piramide a gradoni costruita nella necropoli di Ṣaqqārah nella città di Menfi.
  3. University of Queensland: Understanding the brain: a brief history.
  4. https://bit.ly/3iucSO1.
  5. Stanford Medicine Scope: “We know very little about the brain”: Experts outline challenges in neuroscience.
  6. Allen Institute for Brain Science Allen: 5 unsolved mysteries about the brain.
  7. The New Stack: The Moral Choice Machine: An AI that Learns ‘Right’ from ‘Wrong’.
  8. The Greatest Anatomy Book, Revolutionizing Science.
  9. Alison Abbott: Neurophysiology: The man who bared the brain. Nature 521, 160 (2015).
  10. The MIT Press Reader: A Hole in the Head: A History of Trepanation.
  11. NPR: Why Brain Scientists Are Still Obsessed With The Curious Case Of Phineas Gage.
  12. Vice: An Interview with the Woman Who Drilled a Hole in Her Head to Open Up Her Mind.
  13. Scribonius Largus: Compositiones medicamentorum.
  14. ScienceDirect: History of medical ethics. Largus.
  15. Museo Galileo: Biografia Luigi Galvani.
  16. Oxford Scholarship Online: Shocking Frogs: Galvani, Volta, and the Electric Origins of Neuroscience.
  17. BBC Future: The surprising benefits of electroconvulsive therapy.
  18. DARPA: Creating Breakthrough technologies and capabilities for national security
  19. DARPA: Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx).
  20. Army Technology: Brain computer interfacing: a big step towards military mind-control.
  21. The Conversation: From bioweapons to super soldiers: how the UK is joining the genomic technology arms race.
  22. Neuralink: Engineering with the Brain.
  23. Neuralink: Interfacing with the Brain.
  24. Watch Elon Musk’s Neuralink monkey play video games with his brain.
  25. BBC Earth: Why our ancestors drilled holes in each other’s skulls.
  26. MIT Management Sloane School: Machine learning, explained.


  1. Weizmann Wonder Wander: Advanced Mouse Embryos Grown Outside the Uterus.
  2. The Biomedical Scientist: The big story: the Petri dish.
  3. LifeScience: What is alchemy?
  4. Anthony Grafton: A Natural Particulars: Nature and the Disciplines In Renaissance Europe.
  5. “Biological Possibilities for the Human Species In the Next Ten Thousand Years” nel Man and His Future: A Ciba Foundation Volume.
  6. Daedalus of Science and the Future.
  7. Emily Partridge, Marcus Davey and Alan Flake. Children Hospital of Philadelphia: A Unique Womb-Like Device Could Reduce Mortality and Disability for Extremely Premature Babies
  8. Nature: An extra-uterine system to physiologically support the extreme premature lamb.
  9. BBC News: Babies born at 22 weeks ‘can now survive’.
  10. NHS UK: IVF Overview.
  11. Robert Edwards: the path to IVF.
  12. IVF at 40: revisiting the revolution in assisted reproduction.
  13. Scientific american: Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains.
  14. Genome engineering using the CRISPR-Cas9 system.
  15. BMC Medical Ethics: Human germline editing in the era of CRISPR-Cas.
  16. The Washington Post: 1 in 6 Gen Z adults are LGBT. And this number could continue to grow.
  17. The Conversation: Trans youth are coming out and living in their gender much earlier than older generations.


  1. World Government Summit: Museo del Futuro 2018.
  2. Gli orologi intelligenti che fungono da assistente medico portatile.
  3. Vox: How biohackers are trying to upgrade their brains, their bodies — and human nature
  4. British Ecology Society: A mammoth undertaking: harnessing insight from functional ecology to shape de-extinction priority setting.
  5. Nola Phoenix: Biohacking: Pros & Cons, Different types, tips.
  6. Medical Techology: Griders to Biohackers – where medical technology meets body modification.
  7. CNET: ‘Grinder’ biohacks his eyeballs to get night vision.
  8. National Geographic: How a Color-Blind Artist Became the World’s First Cyborg.
  9. TED Talk: Amber Case, We are all cyborg now.
  10. History: Eugenetics.
  11. Audrey Clare Farley: The Unfit Heiress: The Tragic Life and Scandalous Sterilization of Ann Cooper Hewitt.
  12. Time: The U.S. Detained ‘Promiscuous’ Women in What One Called a ‘Concentration Camp.’ That Word Choice Matters.


  1. Big Data Made Simple: How do chatbots work? An overview of the architecture of chatbots.
  2. The Guardian: AI and me: friendship chatbots are on the rise, but is there a gendered design flaw?
  3. Woebot: Welcome to the future of mental health.
  4. MIT Technology Review: We Need Computers with Empathy.
  5. Nicomachean Ethics bk. 2, 1108b
  6. Daniel Goleman.
  7. NOBA: Emotional Intelligence.
  8. Accipio: Goleman’s 5 Elements of EQ.
  9. Healthline: EQ vs. IQ: Which One Is More Beneficial?
  10. Oxford English Dictionary.
  11. Uneeq: What are digital humans?


  1. Adelphi: Carlo Rovelli presenta l’Ordine del tempo (video).
  2. Carlo Rovelli: L’ordine del tempo.
  3. Futurism: Kurzweil Claims That the Singularity Will Happen by 2045.
  4. Jstor: Einstein, Bergson, and the Experiment That Failed: Intellectual Cooperation at the League of Nations.
  5. DoppioZero: Modernism, time and consciousness: the influence of Henri Bergson and Marcel Proust.
  6. ABC Australia: Einstein vs Bergson, science vs philosophy and the meaning of time.
  7. Google Zeitgeist: Philosophy is Dead. Stephen Hawking.
  8. Al Jazeera: Which philosophy is dead?
  9. Sheila Hanlon: Madame Sarah Grand: New Woman A-Wheel.
  10. Victorian Fiction Research Guides: Sarah Grand.
  11. G.P. Voarino: A Treatise on Calisthenic Exercises: Arranged for the Private Tuition of Ladies.
  12. The Rational Dress Society’s Gazette.
  13. Fashion History Timeline: Bloomers.
  14. The Guardian: How the bicycle became a symbol of women’s emancipation.
  15. Cambridge University Press: The Right to Rule and the Rights of Women: Queen Victoria and the Women’s Movement.
  16. Shulamith Firestone: The dialectic of sex: The case for feminist revolution.


  1. UN News: World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100.
  2. New Scientist: The human genome has finally been completely sequenced after 20 years.
  3. The Conversation: Is 150 years really the limit of human lifespan?
  4. Focus: Le stagioni della vita sono cambiate?
  5. Anna Burrows: The Role of Women in Renaissance Italy.
  6. Marie Claire: 23 Ways Women Still Aren’t Equal to Men.


  1. Money.it: Blockchain: cos’è, come funziona e perché è una tecnologia così importante.
  2. IBM: Watson is AI for smarter business.
  3. The Swedish Model.
  4. Sverige: Children in Sweden.
  5. CEOWorld magazine: The World’s Best Countries For Raising Kids, 2021.
  6. Archives of Public Health: Lost in space – an exploration of help-seeking among young people with mental health problems: a constructivist grounded theory study.
  7. European parliament. Continental briefing: Japan’s ageing society.
  8. World Economic Forum: Sweden is fighting loneliness by housing older and younger generations together.
  9. The Guardian: ‘It’s like family’: the Swedish housing experiment designed to cure loneliness.
  10. The Conversation: Super-intelligence and eternal life: transhumanism’s faithful follow it blindly into a future for the elite.
  11. H+: Associazione italiana transumanisti.
  12. TEDx summit 2012.
  13. Nature: What makes people approve or condemn mind upload technology? Untangling the effects of sexual disgust, purity and science fiction familiarity.
  14. Cryonics Institute Member Statistics Details.
  15. Miguel Benasayag con Luigi Zoja: funzionare o esistere? (video).
  16. The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Book review.
  17. The Christian century: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s theological trouble.
  18. Italian Institute for the Future: Rivoluzione scientifica e rivoluzione cristiana: alle origini del transumanesimo.


  1. Transhumanist Values.
  2. Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary.
  3. Warwick University: A Cyborg Manifesto by Donna Haraway.
  4. Smithsonian Magazine: When Did Girls Start Wearing Pink?
  5. National Geographic: Gender Revolution.
  6. Scitable: Meiosis
  7. Cell: Interspecies Chimerism with Mammalian Pluripotent Stem Cells.
  8. Stem Cells Journal: Fetal Microchimerism in the Maternal Mouse Brain: A Novel Population of Fetal Progenitor or Stem Cells Able to Cross the Blood–Brain Barrier?
  9. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Cell Migration from Baby to Mother.
  10. Nature: Personalized medicine: Time for one-person trials.
  11. Dr. Eric Topol: The AI Path to More Accurate and Deeper Medicine.


  1. Wallmine: Martine Rothblatt Net Worth.
  2. New York: The Trans-Everything CEO.
  3. Martine Rothblatt: From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto On the Freedom Of Form.
  4. Healthline: What is Deadnaming
  5. GLAAD Media Reference Guide – Transgender.
  6. JSTOR: Priests of the Goddess: Gender Transgression in Ancient Religion.
  7. US National Library of Medicine: Gender Dysphoria: A Review Investigating the Relationship Between Genetic Influences and Brain Development.
  8. American Psychiatric Association: What Is Gender Dysphoria?
  9. Ravenna notizie: ’Io sono io’. La storia di Greta, giovane transgender di Ravenna, diventa un libro, scritto da sua madre”.
  10. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health: Standards of Care per la Salute di Persone Transessuali, Transgender e di Genere Non-Conforme.
  11. BBC Two News at Night: Detransitioning: ‘How do I go back to the Debbie I was?’
  12. The Times: BBC films teach children of ‘100 genders, or more’.
  13. Church of England: Valuing All God’s Children.
  14. The Christian Institute: ‘Over 100 gender identities’, claims BBC.
  15. Pacific Standard: The future is non-binary and teens are leading the way.
  16. TED: How to talk (and listen) to transgender people.
  17. Frontiers: Trans Women and Public Restrooms: The Legal Discourse and Its Violence.
  18. Anti-transgender bathroom hysteria, explained.
  19. Huffington Post: Biden Urges Passage Of Equality Act As Anti-Trans Youth Bills Advance In Several States.
  20. Human Rights campaign: The Equality Act.
  21. Forbes: Gen Z Is Already Changing The World – Just Ask Time’s 2019 Person Of The Year.
  22. Mccrindle: Understanding generation Alpha.
  23. US National Library of Medicine: World Psychiatry. The “online brain”: how the Internet may be changing our cognition.


  1. New York Times: How Humanity Gave Itself an Extra Life.
  2. France 24: Mindblowing: advances in brain tech spur push for ‘neuro-rights’.
  3. Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Novel neurotechnologies: intervening in the brain.
  4. US National Library of Medicine.
  5. Google Arts & Culture: 7 Couples Who Changed the World.
  6. New Scientist: The origins of sexism: How men came to rule 12,000 years ago.
  7. The Guardian: Macaques at Japan reserve get first alpha female in 70-year history.
  8. The Guardian: The kingdom of women: the society where a man is never the boss.
  9. National Geographic: Where Women Reign: An Intimate Look Inside a Rare Kingdom.
  10. PBS Frontline World: The Women’s Kingdom, In China, how free can a woman be?
  11. UN Women: Gender Mainstreaming.